Public Events

Monday 29 July 2019:  Earth Themed Open Mic event at City Gate pub   20:00  

Please join us to share your experiences of Earth through song, music, poetry or even a skit, or simply come to listen. We all have a story to tell about how we feel about the planet and how it’s changing; please come and share yours!

This evening was inspired by the Climate Stories project, a collaboration between scientists and artists to improve climate communication. Rosie Eade led the songwriting part of the project and is a local singer-songwriter as well as a climate scientist at the Met Office.

Please find link to Facebook event here, and you can download poster in landscape here or in portrait here.


Tuesday 30 July 2019:  Public Interview and Q&A with James Lovelock and Tim Lenton in the Alumni Auditorium at Streatham Campus 11:30

Join us for an interview with James Lovelock, one of the most influential environmental thinkers of our time. James is celebrating his 100th birthday and the launch of his new book Novacene: The Coming of Age of Hyperintelligence.

The interview will focus on James’ life work and its relevance for today and the future of our planet.

More information and eventbrite sign up here. We anticipate high demand for this event, so please book early to avoid disappointment.


Wednesday 31 July 2019:   “Can I Do Anything About Climate Change?” 19:00 at Exeter Phoenix, followed by Banco de Gaia

“Do you wonder if altering your diet, cutting down on flights, or declaring a climate emergency makes any difference to climate change? This lively discussion with world-leading speakers from politics, business, activism, and science, will move beyond superficial responses to the vital question ‘Can I do anything about climate change?’ Bring your own ideas to explore these issues together; there is plenty of time for questions and debate.

The organisers of the panel discussion, Agile Rabbit, are delighted to welcome Penelope Endersby, the head of the Met Office; Piers Forster, lead author of IPCC reports and member of the Committee on Climate Change; Molly Scott-Cato, our region’s Green MEP; Danny Chivers, poet, activist and writer; and Steffen Boehm, Professor in Organisation and Sustainability at the University of Exeter. Ritula Shah from the BBC’s The World Tonight is presenting the event.

Many of us are inspired to act against Climate Change. But can small individual actions ever make a real difference, or do we need radical activism to bring meaningful change? Perhaps a systems based approach is needed, so the most beneficial outcome is also the easiest. Come along to interrogate the panel, and yourself!

Banco de Gaia, a mercury prize nominated musician, will be attending the three days of the conference and creating a special composition celebrating the work of James Lovelock and responding to the themes discussed during the event. Banco de Gaia will be collaborating with video artist Peter Dunn to create an original piece which will be performed after the public panel discussion event. The evening will continue with Banco de Gaia playing a DJ set in the bar, providing the soundtrack to continued discussions.

More information and tickets are available here. Tickets £5.